
Best Days Ever

My oldest sons – my other children are out here for a bit over a month ! I am so excited, I missed them like crazy.

They are my men my babies minus the babies I have lol. We went to Barnes and Nobles today and bought Habitat for Humanity, we have been playing Apples for Apples 🍎. Which is fun as hell as well. So do you ever just play board games. Family fun night ever ? Movie or music in in background. Everyone laughing and having a blast ❤️. Habitat for Humanity is fun to play with my 16.5 year old and 18 year old sons and my significant other.

Well I am off to where ever it is I go now. Have a great night and thanks for listening to the ramblings !


Maybe. Not a good time for a post

This here’s sums my life up

So my sons have a rare blood disorder (yay) CVD19 increases your blood by clotting 60% MORE

My mother I held as she died by a hornet sting. Not a thing I could do for her. We are allergic too. You can only tell by your first sting.
On a good note I have tons of Klonopins (prescribed) and a huge bottle of Rum
In the words cute ass words of my 3 year old
“Eye Eye matey”


What does it mean to you ..

You can take 6 people and 3 words and the meaning can mean 4 different things to eazch person. Body language is key. Atleast for me in life.

I grew up pretty protective of myself , i answer yes or no. I do not really allow probing quetions. Me , so that is simple. If you dont know me by now, I doubt you need to know me, YOU WOULD ANYWAYS LOL.

I have some mental issues I have PTSD and severe anxiety (enough i am fighting for disability). I can leave my house with my kids in the car with me , pass a 911 vehicle and turn around No Matter , i belive they are going to my houe. Really you can lugh.

I know its crazy its ok.

Whats your favorite song, why ? What lyrics or lyric makes the song your fave ? What moment ? I think these stories are the best, please share with me your story .

I promise to share hit comments : )